Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
O |
opaque orthographyA writing system in which the pronunciation of words is often not directly or consistently predictable from their written form. | |
orthographyThe written form of a language - how speech sounds are standardly represented within a language. | |
P |
phonemeThe smallest unit of sound that changes meaning, such as the element p in “tap,” which separates that word from “tab,” “tag,” and “tan” Examples: /t/. /ks/, /p/ etc. | |
place-keepingThe ability to keep track of the position within a string of information between breaks in attention, for example, when looking up and down during copying tasks. | |
Q |
S |
semantic'Meaningful' - linking to facts and knowledge we have of the world and its contents. | |
serial informationA string of information - separate bits of information that do not blend together to form meaning units so are processed one at a time. | |
T |
transparent orthographyA writing system in which the pronunciation of words is usually directly or consistently predictable from their written form. | |
V |
visual attention spanThe number of orthographic units (letters/symbols) that a person can process at a glance. | |
visual noiseA situation where the volume of visual information is off-putting or confusing for the person perceiving it. | |