Structured Multisensory Teaching

Structuring Learning

To watch the Structuring Learning screencast click HERE.  To download a copy of the script and the other documents you need to access for this mini-section click HERE.

Neuro-myths: Learning Styles...

Guardian Article: Teachers must ditch 'neuromyth' of learning styles, say scientists

Guest Blog by Yana Weinstien ('... important misunderstandings about learning styles...')

Work-Learning Research's $5000 Learning Styles Challenge

Using EBSCO - Extending your Understanding

Skim through some EBSCO journal articles to extend your thinking.  Here are a few suggestions:

Do Multimedia Instructional Designs Enhance Comprehension in College Students with Dyslexia?

From Deficit Remediation to Capacity Building: Learning to Enable Rather Than Disable Students with Dyslexia

Incidental Learning in a Multisensory Environment across Childhood

Last modified: Monday, 18 July 2022, 4:49 PM